There are plenty of hotels to be found on booking, but please find below a list of hotels in proximity of the center and recommended by our team (mention: Advimago, for a reduced price)
All these hotels are either walking distance or easily connected to the center with tram 93 Legrand (easy, nice and approx. 10min interval)
The Louise/Cambre area – closest to the center, calmer area but still in vicinity to the Flagey and Chatelain neighborhoods, as well as the Abbaye de la Cambre and the Bois de la Cambre

The Louise-Stephanie area – the shopping district with plenty of little restaurants, also in vicinity of the city center

The Louise-Stephanie area – the shopping district with plenty of little restaurants, also in vicinity of the city center

The Sablon are – in the city center, close to the major viewpoints of Brussels, Sablon has plenty of cosy little restaurants